# Include fluid_styled_content constants # Include powermail constants # Include testimonies constants # Include handynamic_car constants # Include handynamic_ads constants # Include powermailext constants # Include ke_search_suggest constants # Include sourceopt constants # Include Rss_display constants styles.templates { # cat=content/templates/b1; type=string; label= Default fallback path of Fluid Templates for all defined content elements templateRootPath = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Templates/Ext/Tx_bootstrap_package/ContentElements/ # cat=content/templates/b2; type=string; label= Default fallback path of Fluid Partials for all defined content elements partialRootPath = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Partials/Ext/Tx_bootstrap_package/ContentElements/ # cat=content/templates/b3; type=string; label= Default fallback path of Fluid Layouts for all defined content elements layoutRootPath = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Layouts/Ext/Tx_bootstrap_package/ContentElements/ } ############## ### CONFIG ### ############## config { # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/110; type=boolean; label=No Cache no_cache = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/120; type=options[Do not remove=0,Remove=1,Move to external file=external]; label=Remove default JavaScript removeDefaultJS = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/130; type=boolean; label=Compress JavaScript compressJs = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/140; type=boolean; label=Compress Css compressCss = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/150; type=boolean; label=Concatenate JavaScript concatenateJs = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/160; type=boolean; label=Concatenate Css concatenateCss = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/170; type=boolean; label=Admin Panel admPanel = 0 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/180; type=options[None=,All=all,Cached=cached,Output=output]; label=Prefix local Anchors: See [http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Setup/Config/Index.html#prefixlocalanchors] for explaination. prefixLocalAnchors = all # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/190; type=string; label=Header Comment headerComment = # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/200; type=string; label=Config locales locale_all = fr_FR.utf-8 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/150/210; type=string; label=Enable Realurl extension tx_realurl_enable = 1 } #################### ### OTHER CONFIG ### #################### siteConfig { language_uid = 0 language = fr locale = fr_FR@euro langKey = fr strftime = %d %B %Y baseURL = http://www.handynamic.fr/ } # Meta tags plugin.meta { twitteraccount = sitename = title = description = author = keywords = robots = index, follow revisit = 7 locale = fr_FR.utf8 } ##################### # PAGES & TEMPLATES # ##################### plugin.tx_handynamicskin { view { templateRootPaths.default = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Templates/Page/ partialRootPaths.default = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/ layoutRootPaths.default = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/ } persistence { # cat=site-configuration/storage/0100; type=string; label= Dossiers de stockage des alertes storagePid = } settings { resPublicPath = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Public/ resPrivatePath = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Private/ others { # cat=site-configuration/others/0101; type=string; label= Code Google Analytics au format UA-XXXXX-X googleAnalytics = } page { # cat=site-configuration/page/0100; type=int+; label= Root Page homePid = 1 # cat=site-configuration/page/0200; type=int+; label= Navigation top menu Left PID topMenuLeft= 5 # cat=site-configuration/page/0300; type=int+; label= Navigation top menu Right PID topMenuRight= 6 # cat=site-configuration/page/0400; type=int+; label= PID menu footer gauche bottomLeftMenu = 15 # cat=site-configuration/page/0450; type=int+; label= PID menu footer droit bottomRightMenu = # cat=site-configuration/page/0500; type=int+; label= Demande de devis PID demandeFormPid = 14 # cat=site-configuration/page/0600; type=int+; label= List vehicules PID listVehiclesPid = 7 # cat=site-configuration/page/0700; type=int+; label= Detail vehicles PID detailVehiclesPid = 8 # cat=site-configuration/page/0800; type=int+; label= UK version PID ukVersionPid = 2 # cat=site-configuration/page/0900; type=int+; label= Demande de devis PID demandeDevisPid = 21 # cat=site-configuration/page/1000; type=int+; label= PID that contains the links to other websites for foreigners countriesPid = 56 # cat=site-configuration/page/1100; type=int+; label= PID nos agences agencesPid = 36 # cat=site-configuration/page/1110; type=int+; label= PID Location locationPid = 32 # cat=site-configuration/page/1120; type=int+; label= PID List occasion occasionListPid = 33 # cat=site-configuration/page/1130; type=int+; label= PID Detail occasion occasionDetailPid = 72 # cat=site-configuration/page/1140; type=int+; label= PID Module occasions FR occasionModulePid = 83 # cat=site-configuration/page/1150; type=int+; label= PID Véhicules de démo demoListPid = 34 # cat=site-navigation/page/0120; type=int+; label= PID qui sommes-nous quiSommesNousPid = 35 # cat=site-navigation/page/0130; type=int+; label= NavPid Colonne 1 navColOnePid = 41 # cat=site-navigation/page/0140; type=int+; label= NavPid Colonne 2 navColTwoPid = 42 # cat=site-navigation/page/0150; type=int+; label= NavPid Colonne 3 navColThreePid = 43 # cat=site-navigation/page/0160; type=int+; label= PID résultat de la recherche searchPid = 227 # cat=site-navigation/page/0170; type=int+; label= PID résultat de la recherche PREPROD/PROD searchPidProd = 247 # cat=site-english/page/0100; type=int+; label= Root page homeEnPid = 2 # cat=external-links/page/0100; type=int+; label= Portugal website portugalWebsiteUrl = https://www.handynamic.pt forms { miseEnOptionPid = 76 contactAnnonceurPid = 79 decouvrirVisioPid = 384 } navigation { #cat=site-navigation/page/0160; type=int+; label = max items in the main menu topMaxItems = 5 } includePath { # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/130/100; type=string; label=Css Include Path: Path to css files css = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Public/Css/ # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/130/110; type=string; label=Icon Include Path: Path to files icons = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Public/Icons/ # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/130/120; type=string; label=JavaScript Include Path: Path to js files javascript = EXT:handynamic_skin/Resources/Public/Javascripts/ } meta { # cat=HandynamicV2: basic/120/100; type=string; label=Description: Enter a short description of the page. It will be displayed in the result lists of most search engines. description = # cat=HandynamicV2: basic/120/110; type=string; label=Author: Enter the page author's name. author = # cat=HandynamicV2: basic/120/120; type=string; label=Keywords: Enter keywords for the page separated by commas. You may also use short phrases. keywords = # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/120/100; type=string; label=viewport viewport = width=device-width, initial-scale=1 # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/120/110; type=string; label=robots robots = index,follow # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/120/120; type=string; label=apple-mobile-web-app-capable apple-mobile-web-app-capable = no # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/120/130; type=string; label=compatible compatible = IE=edge # cat=HandynamicV2: advanced/120/140; type=string; label=google google = notranslate } tracking { google { # cat=HandynamicV2: basic/180/100; type=string; label=Google: Tracking-ID trackingID = UA-xxxxxxx-1 # cat=HandynamicV2: basic/180/110; type=boolean; label=Google: IP-anonymisation anonymizeIp = 0 } } } infos { # cat=Informations-Page/others/100; type=string; label= Numéro de téléphone pour le bouton d'informations du téléphone telNumber = 03 28 555 111 # cat=Informations-Page/others/150; type=string; label= Texte pour le bouton d'informations du téléphone textTel = # cat=Informations-Page/others/200; type=string; label= Mail pour le bouton d'informations du téléphone mail = contact@handynamic.fr # cat=Informations-Page/others/250; type=string; label= Horaires pour le bouton d'informations du téléphone horaire = 8h30-12h00 14h00-18h00 # cat=Informations-Page/others/300; type=string; label= Identifiant de la page "Contact" pour le bouton d'informations du téléphone linkContact = # cat=Informations-Page/others/350; type=string; label= Identifiant de la page "Devis" pour le bouton de demande du devis linkDevisPage = 21 # cat=Informations-Page/others/400; type=string; label= Identifiant de la page pour modifier une annonce de véhicule d'occasion linkModificationVehicule = # cat=Informations-Page/others/450; type=string; label= Adresse ligne 1 adress1 = 1 rue Jean-Baptiste Mulier - Hameau de Martinsart # cat=Informations-Page/others/500; type=string; label= Adresse ligne 2 adress2 = F-59113 Seclin # cat=Informations-Page/others/550; type=string; label= Facebook facebook = https://www.facebook.com/handynamic.fr # cat=Informations-Page/others/600; type=string; label= Twitter twitter = https://twitter.com/handynamic # cat=Informations-Page/others/650; type=string; label= Instagram instagram = https://www.instagram.com/handynamic.fr/ # cat=Informations-Page/others/700; type=string; label= Youtube youtube = https://www.youtube.com/user/handynamic # cat=Informations-Page/others/750; type=string; label= Chemin Css client CssPath.client = } dev { mobileDomain = m-dev-handynamic-fr.lucidlab.fr mobileLocal = m-handynamicdev-v2.local } prod { mobileDomain = m.handynamic.fr } } } # Configurations pour fluid_styled_content : styles.content.textmedia.maxW = 1000 styles.content.textmedia.maxWInText = 200 # Mobile constants